Camera, Insulation and Pink Gaffer tape

Firstly a massive thanks to my mate Anthony aka John. John has supplied a A560 and an A710 camera for the project. Cheers mate appreciated.

After some messing with CHDK on the A710 I have made a very quick time lapse video :

I’m struggling to get the A710 to work with a 8Gb card but sure I’ll work it out.

In other news my pink gaffer tape turned up today :

Why pink ? Long story I lost a bet. But it’s probably not a bad choice of colour for standing out when locating it. Finally my Styrofoam has arrived as well, I need to look to making a hot wire cutter next.

So things to do :

1/ Make a payload container.

2/ Test CHDK script + make it boot from 8Gb card

3/ Design a PCB for the flight computer.

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