Been spending time helping the wife develop a website for her Veterinary practice ( vets in bradford, Clayton and Heckmondwike ) as well as developing a few new payloads. Keeping with the mantra small is better I have developed µAvaNut, a small NTX2/Sarantel based “workhorse” tracker. Designed to be reliable this module uses very proven configurations and components in a small form factor :
The second payload is the previously discussed µAva which is a super light weight board with an RFM22B and a chip antenna. This board has two versions, one with a linear regulator and one with a boost regulator for pico use.
Having heavily revised the code for both I’ve developed µAva code for a floater with heavy power saving code in it (Between 23:00 and 06:00 if still in the air the payload pretty much shuts down apart from small “peeps” every now and then)
Hoping to launch soon!